Safety Wear
double leg adjustable shock absorbing lanyard
sabs approved

Double Leg, Adjustable, Shock Absorbing Lanyard

Sizing : 1750mm
Hooks : Double Scaffolding Hooks
Adjustments : Adjustable Webbing

Description :

This is an adjustable, double leg, shock absorbing lanyard with two scaffolding hooks and a single screw gate carabineer that is engineered to attach to a dorsal D-Ring on a stand-alone, fall arrest harness.

This lanyard is recommended for those who are required to navigate obstacles whilst working at heights. The double leg lanyard improves safety to the wearer by allowing the wearer to remain attached to at least one anchor point at all times, through the use of one hook, while moving the second hook around the obstacle to a new anchor point.

The adjustable legs allow the wearer to reduce the overall length of the lanyard, thereby reducing the fall distance and following best working at heights practice. The built in shock absorber is engineered to reduce the total force experienced in a fall to a survivable force of less than 6kN.
Spec sheets and accreditations available upon request.
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WEBBING: 25mm UV-resistant polyester webbing with a minimum breaking load of 2,6 tonnes
LANYARD LENGTH: 1400mm – 1 750mm when shock absorber is intact
3 450mm when shock absorber is fully deployed.
BUCKLES:Corrosion-resistant steel buckles
HOOKS: Corrosion-resistant steel scaffolding hooks:
- 50mm gate opening that can withstand a force of 23kN
CARABINEER: Corrosion-resistant steel screw gate carabineer: 23mm gate opening that can withstand a force of 23kN
SANS 50354 | EN 354
SANS 50355 | EN 355
EN 362
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Specific Features
Sizing: Max 2000mm
Hooks: Double Snap Hooks
Adjustments: Adjustable Webbing with PVC Protector


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    icon nonconductive
    Prevents the conduction of electricity.
    icon antistatic

    Prevents the conduction of electricity.

    icon metalfree

    This shoe contains no metal parts.

    icon 200joules


    The toe cap’s impact resistance is tested by a steel striker of mass 20kg ±0.4kg adapted to fall freely on vertical guides from a predetermined height of 1000mm

    ultra fresh icon
    ULTRA FRESH TECHNOLOGY Strong anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial protection. Moisture management and odour control.
    sabs icon

    Meets the Standards of the South African Bureau of Standards.


    Genuine Vibram Sole.

    ce icon

    Meets the standards of European Economic Area.