Safety Wear

Bova Smelters Sox

bova smelter sox

Bova Smelters Sox

Flame retardant yarn
Description :
Engineered with flame retardant yarn specifically for the hot metal industry. The calf length socks are knitted using specialised flame retardant yarns, comprising 70% modacrylic (USA) and 22% fire-resistant rayon (Switzerland) and are reinforced at both the toe and heel.

Designed with a fine needle count to create density in the knit to prevent molten matter from penetrating the sock or attaching to the surface (compliant with the SABS 1423-1/1987 flame retardancy requirements, category 1).
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Features Key

This feature key provides an explanation as to what the various icons represent. Please note, not all icons featured on this key will be associated with the product you are viewing.

icon nonconductive
Prevents the conduction of electricity.
icon antistatic

Prevents the conduction of electricity.

icon metalfree

This shoe contains no metal parts.

icon 200joules


The toe cap’s impact resistance is tested by a steel striker of mass 20kg ±0.4kg adapted to fall freely on vertical guides from a predetermined height of 1000mm

ultra fresh icon
ULTRA FRESH TECHNOLOGY Strong anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial protection. Moisture management and odour control.
sabs icon

Meets the Standards of the South African Bureau of Standards.


Genuine Vibram Sole.

ce icon

Meets the standards of European Economic Area.